Licensure and State Advocacy Committee

Would you like to volunteer your time for the landscape architecture profession, but can’t commit to a role on the Executive Committee? Please consider joining this committee by completing the form here.


The Committee’s purpose is to guide the executive committee on efforts of state advocacy for licensure and on government actions or policies that affect the profession.


-Console with the NC Board of Landscape Architects on any legislative actions that affect the practice of Landscape Architecture.

-Work with the Chapter’s Lobbyist to promote the profession through advocacy for licensure at a state & local level.

- Respond to any legislative threats or policies that affect the ability to perform the practice of landscape architecture

-Plan a yearly licensure advocacy event with our Chapter Lobbyist to present the profession of Landscape architecture to our state legislative body.

-Review weekly reports from the Chapter’s lobbyist on current Legislation Bills.

-Communicate with National ASLA Licensure and State advocacy committee and government affairs committee about current NC legislative activities

Time Commitment

2-3 Hours weekly

Committee Chair:

  • Mike Askin

Committee members please download Basecamp for iOS and Android devices to communicate with your team! Request access by emailing the committee chair or

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