CLT Park(ing) Day 2023

Charlotte Section Chair, Ellen Servies, has preparations underway for Park(ing) Day 2023!  For anyone who may be unfamiliar, Park(ing) Day is an initiative where people all over the world repurpose parking spaces into tiny parks for the day.  It is intended to influence the way people utilize and interact with streets. 

Park(ing) Day falls on September 15th this year. Spaces will be reserved in South End as it’s a location with high foot traffic and easy access along the light rail.   She has already spoken with CDOT, and they have no conflict with the spaces selected (see images below).

To reserve a space for your firm, please email Ellen with your top 3 choices by end of day on July 11th.  Use the below images to tell choose which numbered spaces you want and list in order of preference.  After spaces are figured out, the next step will be developing plans to submit to CDOT.  Once all responses are received, a follow up email will be sent with next steps.